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Did You Know: CMG Collaborates with Industry on Software Enhancements
Industry Collaboration: CoFlow
University Collaboration: The Value of an Internship at CMG
Unconventional – How CMG Became the Modelling Leader
CMG Partners
CMG Webinar: What's New in General Release 2021?
Autotune-AI Improves Numerical Performance: CMG (2018)
SAGD – Historical Enhancements (CMG 2018)
CMG Webinar: Leveraging CMG's Latest Performance Enhancement Technologies (2018)
CMG’s Superior Software: Reservoir Simulation Firsts (2018)
Akamas AI Performance Tuning @ CMG Impact in Las Vegas, and Corky's BBQ in Memphis reviewed
CMG Webinar: Comparison of Numerical vs Analytical Models for EUR Calculation and Optimization